Colombia Coffee Beans

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Tasting Notes

Colombian coffee are the true workhorse origin of the coffee world.

They punch well above their weight, carrying through amazingly high levels of flavor and acids to any cup profile.

Our seasonal Colombian is from the highly respected Huila region - known for producing wonderful rich coffees with lovely sweet fruit notes and milk chocolate flavors.

A highly versatile coffee that can be used across any brew application - espresso, plunger, drip, filter, stovetop, percolator.

Cup Attributes

Body : full

Aroma : bakers cocoa

Acidity : Pineapple, red berries, juicy

Flavor : Pineapple, toffee, caramel and candy sweetness


Bold, rich, high flavoured.

The classic hallmarks of quality Colombian coffee are rounded flavour and balanced acidity.

Colombia has a highly-regarded and ambitious coffee heritage spread over thousands of small landholders.

Compared to other origins like Brazil with mega-sized farms, Colombia's coffee farms take a remarkably different approach with a higher number of smaller-sized farms.

These smaller farms produce quality crops across a diverse range of cup profiles all year round.

Colombia is a big coffee producer in volume and geography - ranked between #4 and #5 globally.

One of the best features of Colombian coffees is that you can source fresh crops throughout the calendar year.

In contrast, all other origins have distinct 6 or 12 monthly seasons.

Colombia has always commanded respect across the coffee-buying market as a producer of exceptional export qualities.

The country is also well-known and trusted by coffee consumers around the world.

Perhaps one of the most popular coffee-growing countries.

The cup profile of classic Colombian is a rich, intense and rounded cup with hints of blackberry, cocoa, chocolate and caramel.

Colombian coffees have a delightfully clean acid that works remarkably well for milk-based espresso.

Supremo versus Excelso - which is best?

There are two main types or classifications of Colombian beans - Supremo and Excelso.

Sorry to disappoint - there is no winner here.

Both types produce exceptional coffees. It comes down to the preferences of coffee roasters as to which is selected.

You may be surprised that only Colombian coffee types - Supremo and Excelso- are defined by physical sizing.

It's never taste or flavour.

Supremo is a giant-sized bean, with Excelso being smaller in physical appearance.

A more giant coffee bean means less flavour or sweetness. 

Size means nothing in the world of coffee, and we prefer the sweetness of Excelso coffee over Supremo.

Why Colombian Coffees are so popular

Besides the fantastic quality, great flavour and rounded cup, Colombian coffees are popular due to their abundant availability throughout the year.

Colombia is unique in the coffee growing origins as a large physical area means the crop cycles occur at different times of the year.

For all other coffee-growing countries, the crop cycles are fixed periods once or twice a year.

With Colombia, as soon as one area (or Department as they are known) finishes their harvest, it's time for another place to begin.

How we source Colombian coffee

Throughout 12 months, we would source between 6- 8 different Colombian lots.

We hold at least five Colombian lots at any time in our roastery.

The lots are rotated through our JustFreshRoasted store daily.

Shipping Information

Not going to be home or need to provide instructions ? No problem at all, please ensure you visit our cart page first before checking out to set Authority To Leave (Signature Not Required) and add instructions.

Free standard shipping for orders over $140.

AusPost Express option available.

We ship fast - orders received before 3pm sent same day.

Orders are shipped via AusPost or one of our courier partners.

Because we care - all orders are packed into cartons to protect. Never satchels.

How are shipping costs calculated : Unfortunately, there are no fixed or universal parcel costs (except satchels, but that means high risk of damage). Freight providers use destination location (postcode), cubic volume (size) and weight to charge. We try our best to offer competitive rates.

To obtain a shipping estimate, please add all the items to the Cart, then View Cart, down the left corner click on Estimate Shipping, enter your State and Postcode.

How long will it take : Nobody can really say, but the good news is we dispatch very fast, within an hour. You will also receive notifications and tracking details and the best part is due to our large size, we lodge directly into a major hub, eliminating 1 or 2 days transit time, meaning your parcel arrives faster.

Handy brew guide from Justfreshroasted to help you achieve the best tasting coffee
Brew recipes are a guide only

Espresso brew recipe

Espresso brew recipes assume professional or commercial equipment (machine in grinder) are used.

For domestic (consumer) grade, please ensure you adjust the suggested values accordingly.

Dose - 20 - 22 grams

Yield - 40 grams

Brew Time - 29 seconds

Ratio - 1 : 1.8

Tips - Our current Colombia is from Huila with a larger screen size being somewhat closer to Supremo than Excelso. As a more complex and denser bean, accurately set grind and dose for adequate yield.
Coffee is probably better suited to milk or dairy alternatives than black brews as the acids tend to give superior sweetness with dairy/alternatives added.

At JustFreshRoasted coffee we roast the beans to a beautiful medium depth for maximum flavor, taste and enjoyment
How we roast your coffees

light, medium or dark

Each coffee in our store has a unique roast profile carefully engineered and continuously updated to achieve the best balance of flavor, body, complexity, acidity, sweetness and finish.

It's a never-ending process with new lots arriving almost weekly along with the constantly changing Melbourne weather conditions.

We don't use light, medium or dark as our guide. That's so outdated and quite frankly inaccurate with around 20 shades each of light, medium and dark.

The external or outside color is never a true indicator of a coffee's cup attributes (or performance).

In other words, coffee can appear dark outside but have under-developed internals (sour, flat, weak, thin, etc.) if it was roasted poorly.

Similarly, a light exterior can easily mask or hide internal scorching or invalid roasting profile.

The target for all of our coffees (excluding specific filter roast products that are intentionally roasted lighter) is medium.

Think cafe style and coffee that is best suitable for espresso or traditional brewing devices.

What's critically important to us is that we extract maximum goodness for you to enjoy.

After 20 years and hundreds of thousands of batches, we think our Tier 1 infrastructure, skills and experience surpass the market.

JustFreshRoasted helps explain how ground coffees go stale faster than whole beans and why grinding the coffee just before using is always the best.
did you know about

Ground coffee

Ground coffee will lose around 80% of essential vitality after 15 minutes oxygen exposure. Even ground coffee inside of a sealed, unopened bag will stale considerably within 2 weeks.

Some brewing applications, such as espresso, require roasted coffee in peak freshness to produce a delicious extraction. Other brew methods are less sensitive to the impact of staling coffee.

To ensure freshness, we never hold, store or manufacture any ground coffees. All our coffees are packed as whole beans within 1hr of roasting to lock in freshness.

When a customer orders ground coffee, we take fresh roasted beans, cut the seal, grind, clean and re-seal within 60 seconds. All at the moment your order is packed for dispatch.

We recommend for the best coffee experience to consider purchasing whole beans and grind only enough to brew just moments beforehand.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
Based on 61 reviews
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100%would recommend this product
61 reviews
  • PP
    Peter P.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 of 3 Go to's. Consistently Great.

    The Columbian is bold, rich & chocolatey.

    I personally drink my coffee black with honey. Delicious.

  • RM
    ryan m.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Great Beans

    Great beans and really smooth, great taste. Can't recommend higher enough.

  • GC
    Graham C.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Great coffee

  • LO
    Les O.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Outstanding service and coffee

    Just Fresh Roasted provide an amazing service, all the beans we have purchased are always freshly roasted and delivered within 3 days. We have never had any online delivery so quick in regional Australia. Also the price's are really good for the standard of the coffee produced.

    Colombia Coffe is our favourite, rich creams and full of flavour.

  • BD
    Brian D.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Smooth and satisfying

    Great crema great taste. Works well as espresso or latte.

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